Clicker 6 is a literacy tool used in a large number of primary schools to help develop the reading and writing skills of children of all ability ranges. Yesterday in Year 3, a small group of children who struggled with writing were using one of the program's predecessors (Clicker 5), to support them writing about Henry VIII and his wives during topic. The main feature they used was the word processor which assisted them by providing a list of the important/difficult words for each paragraph, underneath the text box, and reading back finished sentences to the children, allowing them to check for coherency. It was fantastic to see how the program enabled these children to work independently, and produce a higher standard of work, without relying on constant support and prompting from staff. My placement school has over 90% EAL children, so immediately these accessibility tools stood out to me as great ways of including and enabling children who do not speak English as their first language, or who otherwise have speaking or literacy difficulties. Though I have only managed to scratch the surface and take a look at some of this program's facilities, I am already impressed in how much freedom it can provide teachers in differentiating work for pupils, and tailoring activities to suit the work taking place in class.
Below are just a few sceenshots I found floating about the web, but if anyone would like to know more, I've added the below video review which gives some extra details.

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